Polished Concrete in Cheltenham

Polished concrete Cheltenham: We were asked to provide a polished concrete floor for a new kitchen extension in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.

Polishing concrete as a finished flooring solution has been available in the commercial environment for a number of years. The antithetical qualities that have made it popular in the domestic environment are not always so important to business. It works a as a practical option primarily because it is extremely durable and hard to stain or spoil. Making maintenance much more simple. An other benefit to the commercial sector is the increased light reflectively of the polished surface greatly reduces lighting costs.

These benefits to business are a real help in the domestic environment as well. You ability to effectively maintain & care for your floor is greatly increased when you choose polished concrete. With the right maintenance you can keep it looking like its just been professionally finished for longer

Once the concrete had cured & dried our work began

Concrete floor before polishing

Concrete floor before polishing


Concrete floor before polishing

Concrete floor before polishing

We removed the surface and improved the layer below to a stronger more attractive finish


After - polished concrete Cheltenham

Concrete floor after polishing

After - polished concrete Cheltenham

Concrete floor after polishing

Please see our detailed information page on concrete floor polishing. If you are considering options for flooring please get in contact & we will help you with any questions

Bruce 07775944596

Posted by Bruce Swait
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